Watching with my Heroes - Paperback

Watching with my Heroes - Paperback - £6.99

Watching with my Heroes - Paperback - £6.99

From the moment a hopelessly bored eleven year old boy watched Gower effortlessly pull his first ball in Test cricket for four, he instantly forgot the fact that West Ham were crap and had just been relegated and his life long love affair with cricket had begun.

These are the recollections of how being pretty good at bowling a hard red ball at three tall sticks in the ground has allowed Stuart Simmonds the chance to travel the cricketing world, play against some seriously good players, meet some very famous people and most importantly avoid having to ever get what can only be described as a normal, sensible job.

Written with huge amounts of charm, Stuart takes us on a journey around club grounds, county grounds, test grounds and an enormous amount of time coaching in playgrounds, all spent together with what seems like an awful lot of very entertaining people.

Any profits from this book will be distributed between local charities.

Watching with my Heroes - Paperback - £6.99

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